Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA
Use this OSHA-compliant inspection to define emergency action plan standards and ensure that all employees have adequate training and an understanding of safety protocols. 1926.35 Subpart C.
1. Does the employer have a written Emergency Action Plan that is specific to the project/site/facility?
2. Is the written plan available at the workplace and made available for employee review?
3. Does the plan include the following elements: emergency escape procedures, emergency escape route assignments, procedures to account for employees who have evacuated,
4. Does the Plan include procedures for employees who remain to operate critical plant operations (if applicable)?
5. Does the Plan include rescue and medical duties for those employees who are to perform them>
6. Does the Plan include the preferred means of reporting fires and other emergencies, such as medical emergencies, chemical spills, etc.?
7. Does the Plan include a list of employees (names or job titles) who can be contacted for further information or explanation of duties under the plan?
9. Does the Plan include the types and routes of evacuation to be used in emergency circumstances?
10. Have a sufficient number of persons been designated and trained to assist in the safe and orderly emergency evacuation of employees?
11. Have employees been trained on the Emergency Action Plan upon initial employment at the site, when the Plan is changed and whenever an employee's responsibilities or designated actions under the Plan change?