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Working Around Forklifts

Contributor: Safesite HQ Jurisdiction: General

Agriculture and Farming
trenching and excavation
facilities and maintenance
transportation and logistics
Oil Gas and Petroleum

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Working Around Forklifts

1. Forklift operations can result in struck-by injuries and fatalities. Suspended loads can fall, equipment can roll over, and material can get knocked over. To prevent potential exposures, employees should establish pre-planning, communication, and other safe practices before starting work.

2. Set up work zones or seperate travel paths for vehicles and pedestrians. Also, be aware of the potential swing radius if using equipment that rotates and accommodate using temporary barriers.

3. If overhead mirrors are installed in the facility, use them to ensure you dont wak in the path of a forklift.

4. When handling materials on a forklift be aware of "line of fire". This is where a body part is placed in a location where it can be injured. For example, placing a hand in between forks when securing material exposes them to getting pinched if the forks move.

5. Operators should honk the horn prior to backing up, turning corners, and entering/exiting building.

6. Operators should not drive with the forks raised higher than necessary to clear the road ahead.

7. High vis clothing and PPE should be worn so operators can see personnel in the area. Before operations check that garments are clean and well maintained.

8. You should never approach an operator unless they acknowledge your presence and stop operations. Give a wave and wait for a nod of acknowledgement from your operator before continuing on.

9. If pedestrians need to cross the path of heavy equipment, get the attention of an operator, make eye contact and get approval before crossing the path.

10. You are never allowed to "catch a ride" on a forklift.

11. What areas will forklifts be operating in today? Is everyone aware of the work zones and travel paths?

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