Contributor: Safesite HQ Jurisdiction: General
This meeting is a general overview of sprains, strains, back safety, and ergonomics in the workplace.
1. Sprains and strains are the most common injuries to occur at work and are caused by many factors. These injuries are sometimes called "ergonomic injuries" and can affect your whole body.
2. If a lift is greater than 50 pounds, always ask for help and use lift devices whenever possible.
3. Whenever lifting, be sure to use proper lifting technique. Always bend at your knees while maintaining a straight back and lift with your legs. Hold the load close to your body.
4. Injuries to your body from ergonomic hazards can cause pain and stiffness and can lead to other major injuries, medical treatment, and financial strain.
5. Some factors of these hazards are awkward postures, repetitive bending, forceful exertions, lifting, reaching, pulling, vibration, and not taking rests or breaks. When completing your daily tasks, make note of any of these problems you may experience.
6. Consider using utility carts to transport materials, equipment, tools, and other items needed to complete a task. Be sure that the cart is not overloaded and can be pushed or pulled easily by the worker.
7. When using equipment or tools, you might want use your whole body and don't rely solely on upper body strength.
8. It is also important to take small breaks throughout the day to allow your body time to recover. Try some light stretching before work, during your break, and once you're home.
9. Many tasks involve a lot of repetitive movements, so try to break up similar tasks throughout the day to avoid doing the same thing over and over.
10. Limit overreaching and awkward postures by always facing the task at hand and avoid performing tasks that are located above shoulder height.
11. When kneeling or working in awkward spaces for an extended period of time, consider using a foam pad or knee pads to support your knees, back, or head.
12. By being aware of your own body and wellness you are taking initiative and overall putting yourself in the best position to work more efficiently and pain free.
13. What is a job site that you have been on that left you sore at the end of the day, and what do you think could have been done differently to avoid that?
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