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Safe Lift Plan for Lifting Materials

Contributor: Safesite HQ Jurisdiction: General

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Use this meeting to prevent ergonomic injuries by using a safe lift plan.

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Safe Lift Plan for Lifting Materials

1. Creating good habits can be one major factor in eliminating injuries. Before moving an object, take a few moments to create a safe lift plan in your head by using the recommendations in this meeting.

2. Before completing a lift check the object, think about required PPE, and look at the walking surface or pathway.

3. If something is too heavy or would be unstable to lift, reduce the weight of the load by using equipment, ask for help with the lift, or repack for increased stability.

4. Wear the right shoes to avoid slips, trips and/or falls. If you are wearing gloves, choose the correct size and material.

5. Plan your lift by figuring out where you are going with the object. Is there a clear pathway? If not, clear the pathway of any obstructions to prevent slips, trips, and/or falls.

6. One of the most important pieces of information on manual material handling is to avoid lifting from the floor. When possible, an assisted lift is preferred.

7. If you must lift from the floor, do not bend your back. Instead, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, bend at your knees, keep your back straight and grab the object with a firm grip. Hold the object close and stand up straight with the load held close.

8. During this lifting process, avoid jerking and use smooth, even motions from start to finish.

9. Avoid hunching over and keep your back straight protects the back from injury.

10. When carrying an object, do not twist your body; your face, shoulders, hips, and feet should all point in the same direction.

11. Follow the same directions to lower the object as you did to pick it up, always keeping your back straight, not hunched, and bend at your knees.

12. If something is too heavy and hard to lift, reduce the weight of a load or ask someone to help you in the lift.

13. During your day today, take the time to recognize any exertion you feel and bring to the attention of a supervisor. Being proactive in problem solving will find the problems first rather than waiting for problems to occur.

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