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Repetitive Motion Injury Prevention in Tree Care and Landscaping

Contributor: Safesite HQ Jurisdiction: General


Use this safety meeting to discuss repetitive motion injuries and how to prevent injuries.

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Repetitive Motion Injury Prevention in Tree Care and Landscaping

1. Repeating the same motion can cause repetitive motion injuries that, over time, can result in repetitive motion injuries (RMI's) like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, "trigger finger". Any additional ergonomic hazards, including forceful exertions, awkward postures, and vibration can result in more severe cases or even prolong injuries.

2. Typical symptoms of RMI are aches and pains, swelling, muscle and joint fatigue, tightness/stiffness in joint areas, tingling, numbness, and weakness.

3. Avoid repetitive injuries from occurring by taking frequent micro breaks throughout the task, or whenever possible. Also, plan out your job tasks with repetitive motion in mind and avoid doing a job task that uses the same positioning and same muscles as the one before it did

4. Try to keep your body as close to neutral as possible and select tools that have an ergonomic design in mind. They should be lightweight, angled for good wrist placement, and power tools should include anti-vibration systems. Also, keep cutting tools sharp to reduce body stress.

5. It's highly encouraged to do a stretch and flex before your work day, as well as during micro breaks and after you have finished for the day. Take the time to stretch your neck, shoulders, wrists, backs, and legs.

6. During your work day, stretch at least twice a day and do a light reverse posture stretch whenever you start to feel aches, during a micro break, or in between tasks. This will break up the awkward postures and allow your body some time to recover.

7. Rotating tasks is another method to prevent RMI's, so you can switch the motion and body position. Take the time to have good posture and be mindful of your body position during tasks.

8. Regular awareness of ergonomic risks, hazards, and reporting procedures will help in reducing injuries.

9. What tasks can cause RMI's? How can you prevent potential injuries?

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