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Preventing Falls in Construction

Contributor: Safesite HQ Jurisdiction: General


Use this safety meeting to review general falls to lower level exposures.

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Preventing Falls in Construction

1. Falling to a lower level has the potential for many injuries like lacerations and broken bones, and can even be fatal.

2. Surface areas may look like they are flat or without elevations, but holes, ditches, deep ruts, and trenches can cause a trip or fall to a lower level.

3. Be aware of the terrain you're working on, wear the correct shoes, and also take the time to temporarily or permanently guard a fall from exposure. If you see a manhole missing a cover, or some kind of uneven surface, use cones, flags, spray paint, or other notifier to alert of the hazard.

4. While surface areas can lead to slips, trips, or falls to lower levels, working at heights is one of the leading ways to cause fall injuries. Ladders, unprotected edges, and platforms are potential fall to lower level exposures.

5. Using ladders to gain access can be problematic if not used correctly. Never exceed the working load and always use three points of contact while ascending and descending.

6. Guardrails are one way of protecting personnel from falling. They are often found around the edges of roofs or work platforms and feature a top rail, mid-rail, and toe boards.

7. When working from heights, fall protection may be required. This includes climbing ladders, working on scaffolding, or when working around unprotected edges. Before climbing on a platform or working near an unprotected edge, check in with a supervisor for any fall protection requirements.

8. Avoid being distracted at work. Whether it's talking to your coworker or texting while walking, being aware of your surroundings and situation is one of the best defenses against exposures to hazards.

9. In what way are you exposed to potential fall to lower level hazards?

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