Contributor: Safesite HQ Jurisdiction: General
Use this safety meeting to identify potential electrical exposures for electrical contractors.
1. When working with electricity, it is critical that all potential hazards are addressed before starting the job.
2. One of the best ways to prevent injuries and fatalities from electrical exposures is training. All employees should be trained on electrical hazards, and employees should only work on equipment that they are qualified for.
3. Never start work before completing an assessment of all hazards in the area. When hazards are identified, share with coworkers and come up with solutions to problems.
4. Post safety signs and work zone barriers so everyone knows of the work area hazards.
5. Grounded systems are not always safe. Visually inspect all equipment before use.
6. All damaged cords should be removed from service. Never use cords or corded equipment that has exposed wires, damaged insulation, or missing grounds.
7. Use approved hand or power tools as well. Not every plier or screwdriver is rated for electrical exposures.
8. Not only is it important to have and use cover-up equipment, but make sure you have enough at your jobsite. Do not start a job unless you have enough cover-up equipment available.
9. Wear the right PPE when working around electricity. Gloves, eye, and foot protection should be worn. Also, wear waterproof clothing and consider high-vis options.
10. PPE should also be kept clean and fit comfortably.
11. What are other ways you can prevent electrical hazards?
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