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Power Line Safety in Agriculture

Contributor: Safesite HQ Jurisdiction: General

Agriculture and Farming

Use this safety meeting to educate and bring awareness to the dangers of accidental contact with overhead power lines while working in an Agricultural setting.

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Power Line Safety in Agriculture

1. Overhead power lines pose a significant electrocution hazard when working on farmyards.

2. When overhead power lines are nearby a plan needs to be put in place on how to safely proceed. Preparation is key to keeping your workers and livestock safe on a farm.

3. Always be aware of where you are in relation to where power lines are located, especially when moving or operating tall agricultural equipment. It is important to keep yourself and equipment at least 10 feet away from power lines at all times.

4. When moving tall equipment, such as portable grain augers, elevators, or irrigator systems, use a spotter to make sure there is always enough clearance between the equipment and power lines.

5. Always lower tall equipment as much as possible before moving or transporting them.

6. Avoid moving tall equipment on days of inclement weather to avoid wind, rain, and electrical storms.

7. When planning on moving tall equipment, always observe the route you plan on using. Look for uneven surfaces, soft ground, or any other obstacles that interfere with your ability to control the equipment. Any slight shift in equipment could be detrimental and result in contact with overhead power lines.

8. Before raising or while carrying any equipment such as rods and poles, grain augers, dump trucks, loader tractors, grain bins, etc. be aware of increased height and overhead power line clearance.

9. If while operating a tractor and you come in contact with power lines, always remain in the tractor until the power company is able to shut off the power. If you were to exit the tractor while it is in contact with active power lines, you must jump out and away from the tractor as far as possible and hop with both feet together until you are out of the danger area. Do not touch the equipment and the ground at the same time. If you were to fall, try to fall away from the tractor to avoid coming in contact with the tractor.

10. The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) requires that if portable augers or other filling equipment is used then the highest point on all grain bins, constructed after 1992, must be at least 18 feet below power lines.

11. If a power line is sagging or otherwise damaged, do not attempt to move, reroute, or fix the power line. Always contact the power company. Never touch a power line.

12. Keep in mind, tree limbs, rope, and straw are also considered electrical conductors.

13. In what ways do overhead power lines affect jobs on your farm or ranch?

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