Contributor: Safesite HQ Jurisdiction: General
This meeting covers requirements and best practices for workers safety from pesticides. All employers and employees must obey the label's instructions when using chemical sprays.
1. Pesticides are regulated by the EPA but are exempt from the OSHA HAZCOM standard. However, labels will include the precautionary statements, directions for use, and any PPE that's required.
2. Before using any product, read the product name, PPE, and first aid instructions on the label.
3. Wear clothing that will protect you when using pesticides. It's recommended to wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, and closed-toe shoes. However, there may be additional protective clothing or equipment required by the label.
4. If respiratory protection is required when mixing pesticides and you have not been fit tested for a respirator, get together with your supervisor or safety representative to get proper protection.
5. Plan to mix pesticides outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. Mix only what you need to use in the short term to avoid storing or disposing of excess pesticides.
6. Be prepared for a potential pesticide spill. Have paper towels, sawdust or kitty litter, garbage bags, and non-absorbent gloves on hand to contain the spill. Avoid using excessive amounts of water, as this may only spread the pesticide and could be harmful to the environment.
7. Remove personal items, such as clothing or tools, from the spray area to avoid contamination.
8. When applying pesticides as a spray or dust outside, avoid windy conditions and close the doors and windows.
9. After using pesticides, wash your hands before smoking or eating.
10. What kind of pesticides will you potentially be using today?
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