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OSHA Crane and Derrick Pre-use and Safety Review Meeting

Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA


This meeting will cover the basic OSHA-standard requirements for pre-inspecting crane equipment and worksites, as well as reviewing common hazards and safety concerns associated with crane operation.

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OSHA Crane and Derrick Pre-use and Safety Review Meeting

1. Mobile crane is a lifting device incorporating a cable suspended lattice boom or hydraulic telescopic boom designed to be moved between operating locations by transport over the road.

2. Crawler crane has a type of base mounting which incorporates a continuous belt of sprocket driven track.

3. Locomotive cranes are mounted on a base or car equipped for travel on a railroad track.

4. Overhead and gantry cranes include overhead/bridge cranes, semi gantry, cantilever gantry, wall cranes, storage bridge cranes, launching gantry cranes, and similar equipment, irrespective of whether it travels on tracks, wheels, or other means.

5. Tower crane is a type of lifting structure which utilizes a vertical mast or tower to support a working boom (jib) in an elevated position.

6. The following topics are based on General Information

7. Equipment must not be used unless ground conditions are firm, drained, and graded to give the equipment a solid level surface to work from.

8. If the equipment is working around power lines, ensure adequate distance is kept.

9. Cranes must be inspected before each shift by a competent person which usually is the operator. This inspection must be documented at least monthly. An annual comprehensive inspection is also required and conducted by a qualified person. This inspection can be done by a third party.

10. Communication between the operator and ground support personnel can be through voice and/or hand signals.

11. Before hoisting, make sure that the hoist rope is not kinked, the hook is above the load to prevent swinging when it is lifted, the rope is seated properly on the drum and in the sheaves and that the weather conditions are acceptable.

12. Crane operators must not engage in any practice or activity other than operating the crane to avoid being distracted.

13. Outriggers should be used regardless of the weight of the load whenever possible.

14. Make sure the crane is barricaded to prevent entry of unauthorized personnel.

15. Crane operators must be qualified and certified.

16. Now we'll discuss Common Crane Hazards

17. "Two Blocking" is when the lower load block (hook assembly) comes in contact with the upper load block (boom point sheave assembly). This interferes with safe operation of the crane. Anti-two blocking devices prevent this from happening.

18. An "Upset" can occur when the tipping load and rated capacity of a crane is exceeded while attempting to lift a load.

19. People can inadvertently enter the area within the swing radius of the cab and counterweight and be injured. People may enter this area to access the water jug, tool box, outrigger controls, perform maintenance, etc.

20. A critical component on a crane when it is lifting a load is a lifting hook that will not let the rigging slip out of the throat of the hook. The most unsafe hook is one without a latch to secure the rigging within its throat.

21. A blind lift is when the crane operator, rigger, or signaler cannot see one another or where the load will be placed. Use of pre-planning, two way radios and multiple competent persons can ensure a blind lift is completed successfully.

22. Wire rope used for the hoist line can be damaged when sheaves of inadequate diameter or inappropriate groove configuration are used, which also reduces the useful life of the rope. Wire rope is vulnerable to bending or pinching as it passes over a sheave or pulley. This is why wire rope inspections are so important.

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