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OSHA Chemicals in the Workplace Toolbox Talk

Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA


This meeting reviews OSHA chemical safety standards, including hazard communication. Can be used by safety managers, foremen, superintendents and general contractors.

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OSHA Chemicals in the Workplace Toolbox Talk

1. Currently there are over 570,000 existing chemical products with more being introduced annually. About 32 million workers are potentially exposed to chemical hazards. This is the most common citation written by OSHA.

2. The hazard risk is enormous, because of this, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) developed the Hazard Communication Standard. Simply said, the standard requires employes to train employees about chemical hazards and protectibe measures.

3. As an employee, you should know where Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are kept, how to read an MSDS, and how to protect yourself from chemical hazards. On this jobsite, MSDS's are kept _______(insert location of MSDS's for this job).

4. Employers have responsiblity to: Identify and list hazardous chemicals in the workplace.

5. Employers have responsiblity to: Obtain MSDS's for each chemical.

6. Employers have responsiblity to: Develop and implement a written hazard communication program.

7. Employers have responsiblity to: Communicate hazard information to employees through labels, MSDS's and formal training programs.

8. General Safety Rules to remember when working with chemicals: Every container must have a label. The label must show the identity of the chemical, appropriate hazard warnings and name and address of the manufacturer.

9. General Safety Rules to remember when working with chemicals: Label must be legible and in English (plus other languages, if desired).

10. General Safety Rules to remember when working with chemicals: It is not mandatory to label portable containers and that are intended for the immediate use of the employee making the transfer. But it is always good to do so.

11. Safety Reminders: Do not use chemicals from an unlabeled container.

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