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OSHA Agricultural Equipment Guards and Shields Meeting

Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA

Agriculture and Farming

Keep operators safe by using this OSHA checklist to determine if machinery guards and shield are well-maintained and properly secured to protect employees from serious injury and accidents.

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OSHA Agricultural Equipment Guards and Shields Meeting

1. All guards are in place during machine operation.

2. Operators stop the engine, disconnecting the power source and allow machine movement to stop before servicing, adjusting, cleaning, or unclogging the equipment (unless the machine is required to run for proper servicing and maintenance).

3. Operators have been trained on all steps and procedures necessary to safely service and maintain equipment which must remain running to be properly serviced or maintained.

4. Employees are protected from coming into contact with hazards created by moving machinery parts by guards, shields or use of guardrails or fences.

5. Guards and shields are designed and located so as to protect employees from accidental contact with the hazard being guarded.

6. Guards and shields are designed to withstand a 250 lb. force against the guard.

7. Guards are free from burrs, sharp edges and sharp corners and are securely fastened to the equipment or structure.

8. All power take-off shafts, including rear, mid- or side-mounted shafts, are guarded either by a master shield or by other protective guarding.

9. Guards are free from burrs, sharp edges and sharp corners and are securely fastened to the equipment or structure.

10. There is appropriate signage on tractors and power take-off driven equipment specifying that power drive system safety guards and shields must be kept in place.

11. The mesh or nip-points of all power driven gears, belts, chains, sheaves, pulleys, sprockets, and idlers are guarded.

12. All revolving shafts, including projections such as bolts, keys, or set screws, are guarded, (Except smooth shaft ends protruding less than one-half the outside diameter of the shaft and its locking means.)

13. All components are guarded to the fullest extent possible without interfering with the normal function of the component.

14. The largest dimensions or openings in grating type guards through which materials are required to flow is 4 3/4" and the area of each opening is observed to be no larger than 10 square inches. The opening is no closer to the rotating flighting than 2 1/2".

15. For power supplies not in the immediate exclusive control of the employee, there is an exclusive, positive locking electrical disconnecting means which can be operated only by the employee or employees performing maintenance or servicing.

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