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Orchard Ladder Safety in Agriculture and Farming

Contributor: Safesite HQ 2 Jurisdiction: General

Agriculture and Farming

Use this safety meeting to discuss proper setup and use of an orchard ladder.

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Orchard Ladder Safety in Agriculture and Farming

1. Orchard ladders are a useful tool for picking stone fruits from various heights. Orchard ladders can be dangerous due to wear and tear or user error.

2. Orchard ladders should only be used on soil. Do not use orchard ladders on hard surfaces or indoors.

3. Ladders should be inspected by the supervisor or crew lead regularly and there should have a system in place to replace broken equipment.

4. Using the correct ladder for the job is important because this can determine how far you can climb without overextending your body.

5. Always inspect the terrain where you will be harvesting. Look for any holes, uneven terrain, wet patches, hills.

6. Always remember to sit the ladder's tongue at a proper distance where the ladder will not slip or open up, this will cause you to fall off the ladder.

7. Maintain 3 points of contact when climbing the ladder and keep your body close.

8. Never step on branches in order to reach fruit. Stepping on branches can lead to an injury in case the branch breaks.

9. Be mindful and attentive when there is orchard traffic such as vehicles, atvs, utvs, tractors, or forklifts working in the orchard.

10. What are some potential hazards you could face when setting up your ladder?

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