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Nail Gun Safety

Contributor: Safesite HQ 2 Jurisdiction: General

general industry
facilities and maintenance

Use this safety meeting to discuss basic nail gun safety.

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Nail Gun Safety

1. According to NIOSH, nail guns are the leading cause of injury among residential carpenters and are responsible for 37,000 emergency room visits each year.

2. Nail guns differ in their function and safety features. Review safety features of your nail gun during training and inspect before use.

3. When the trigger is pressed, be ready for a nail to fire at any time even if the nose has not been bumped yet. It's best to not hold the trigger until its time to place a nail.

4. There is a potential for debris when using a nail gun, so wear safety glasses when using a nail gun.

5. Before use. inspect the nail gun and compressor or damage.

6. Nail guns can shoot through material and strike personnel behind it, and they can also double fire. Be aware of where you place the nail gun before firing.

7. Disconnect the air compressor when clearing a jammed nail or when handing it to a coworker to prevent injury.

8. Avoid using a nail gun on a ladder. Can the job be redesigned to bring all nailing work to the ground?

9. If ladder use can't be avoided, discuss how to minimize the chance of injury. Avoid reaching, use an assistant, and provide enough time to do the job safely. What are some other ways to minimize injury?

10. Has there been an injury or close call with a nail gun on the job recently? Discuss what happened and what can be done to prevent it from happening again?

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