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Ladders and Step Ladders in Janitorial

Contributor: Safesite HQ 2 Jurisdiction: General

facilities and maintenance

Use this safety meeting to review ladders and step ladders when working at heights.

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Ladders and Step Ladders in Janitorial

1. Ladders and step ladders are important and useful tools for the workplace. Setting up correctly can not only give you the maximum stability needed to complete work, but can also avoid many accidents and potential injuries.

2. Use the right size ladder for the job and check for the identification tag, which should be clearly legible on the ladder or step ladder. This provides you important manufacture information. If you can't read the ID tag, it might be time for a new one.

3. Is the weight of you, your tools, and/or gear under the safe working load listed on the identification tag? Never exceed the safe working load as they are designed to hold a specific amount of weight. If you exceed the weight limit, it is likely they will break.

4. Always do an inspection prior to use. Look for cracks or bends, any loose parts or hardware, slippery material, and that both the non-slip feet are present. If the steps or rungs have oil, grease, or another slippery substance, make sure it is cleaned off and dried before starting work. If there is any damage, remove it from service.

5. Following an inspection and before use, make sure you're on a stable and level surface. Keep the area clear of obstructions.

6. If using a ladder, find a spot to tie-off. Tie-off locations should be solid and shouldn't loosen while you're working. Have someone hold your ladder to stabilize before you start your climb to tie-off to an anchor point.

7. Face the ladder or step ladder and maintain three points of contact while climbing and descending. To keep you balance, stay centered within.

8. Don't let tools get in the way of your hands. Tools should be carried on a tool belt or use a hand line and raise tools after you've made your climb.

9. Never stand on the top rung, never overreach, and never move or shift the ladder or step ladder while in use.

10. What are some potential uses of ladders and step ladders within the workplace?

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