Contributor: Safesite HQ 2 Jurisdiction: General
Use this meeting to discuss requirements for guardrails on scaffolding.
1. When working at heights, guardrails are an important protection to prevent falls. When setting up scaffolding at least 10-feet high, fall protection is required per Subart L vertical standard.
2. Since safety railings are a form of passive protection, it is likely that your company prefers to use guardrails for fall protection instead of harnesses.
3. Guardrails must include a toprail and midrail, and should include a toeboard "when there is a danger of tools, materials, or equipment falling from a scaffold". Steel or plastic banding is not allowed to be used as a toprail or midrail.
4. Scaffolding should always have ladders when accessing a higher level; never climb scaffolding.
5. The top rail height must be between 38 inches and 45 inches and midrails are to be installed halfway between the top rail and platform surface.
6. When the crosspoint of cross bracing is used as a top rail, it must be between 38 to 48 inches above the work platform. When used as a midrail it must be between 20 to 30 inches above the work platform.
7. Guardrails are not required when the front end of all platforms are less than 14 inches from the face of the work, when outrigger scaffolds are 3 inches or less from the front edge, and when employees are plastering and lathing 18 inches or less from the edge.
8. Scaffolding rules are complex, especially when it comes to guardrails. Make sure that a Competent Person supervises the installation of scaffolding and guardrails.
9. In what other ways can guardrails benefit you when working on scaffolding?
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