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Elevated Surfaces and Working at Heights in Building Maintenance

Contributor: Safesite HQ 2 Jurisdiction: General

facilities and maintenance

Use this safety meeting to go over passive and active fall protection while working from heights and elevated surfaces.

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Elevated Surfaces and Working at Heights in Building Maintenance

1. Working at heights is one of the leading causes of injuries and fatalities in all industries. Use either passive or active fall protection to prevent falling from heights.

2. Passive fall protection, like guardrails, permanent ladders, catwalks, and netting, are permanent and should be installed where there are leading edges or around openings that are higher than four-feet from the ground. These are permanent solutions to working from height.

3. When passive fall protection is not a good option for working at heights, use active fall protection, like fall arrest harnesses ,all restraints, and portable ladders.

4. If using a fall arrest harness, employees must be trained how to use and inspect a harness. Make sure it's tied off to an appropriate anchor point.

5. Regular roof maintenance is essential. Some fall protection systems to consider for your roofs are guardrails, swing gates for access, and warning lines.

6. When working on a ladder, make sure that it has gone through a visual inspection. The bottom of the ladder should be free of obstructions and the ladder should be placed out of the way of any foot or vehicle traffic.

7. When working on a lift, complete a pre-use inspection of the equipment. Always wear a fall arrest harness and stand firmly on the platform. Never climb or lean over guardrails or handrails.

8. Always do a visual inspection on both passive and active fall protection systems before starting work.

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