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Electrical Hazards in Tree Care and Landscaping

Contributor: Safesite HQ 2 Jurisdiction: General


Use this safety meeting to review general electrical hazards for tree care and landscaping industries.

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Electrical Hazards in Tree Care and Landscaping

1. Electrical hazards can come in many different forms, including equipment, utilities, and weather conditions.

2. Common electrical hazards are those that come from electrical equipment. Complete a pre-use inspection of all equipment before use and make sure that electrical equipment isn't used during wet conditions.

3. It is likely you will need to plug into outlets you don't trust or know the history of. It is best to use a portable GFCI for additional protection.

4. Overhead power lines can cause shock, arc blasts, and fires. It's recommended to stay at least 10-feet away from power lines. When carrying ladders, corded equipment, and extended handled tools, make sure you look up and avoid hitting an electrical line.

5. Never touch or go near a downed power line, even if you think it could be de-energized.

6. Before you dig, call ahead to the utility companies that will have buried utilities. Once marked, only dig and/or work in areas that are clearly identified as safe to do.

7. Be aware of weather conditions for the day. Lightning is extremely dangerous and unpredictable. If there are signs of an approaching storm, employees should not start a task they can't quickly stop. Go over weather conditions before the start of operations.

8. In what other ways can electricity affect our day? What can we do to protect ourselves?

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