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Drowsy Driving Safety Moment

Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA

general industry

This safety moment contains facts from the National Sleep Foundation and reviews signs of drowsy driving and driver fatigue. Remind personnel how to keep themselves and others safe on the road.

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Drowsy Driving Safety Moment

1. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration conservatively estimates that 100,000 policereported crashes each year are caused primarily by drowsy driving and that such crashes result in more than 1,550 deaths, 71,000 injuries and $12.5 billion in monetary losses. According to National Sleep Foundation surveys, half of American adults consistently report that they have driven drowsy and approximately 20% admit that they have actually fallen asleep at the wheel in the previous year. This meeting will help cover some of the signs and ways to prevent falling asleep while behind hte wheel.

2. Watch out for these signs of sleepness: trouble focusing, having a hard time keeping your eyes open or head up, lane drifting, missing signs or exits.

3. Whose at risk? Personnel working long hours, double shifts or working more than one job they have a six fold increase in drowsy driving crashes.

4. Who else is at risk? Commercial drivers who drive a high number of miles or at night

5. Other people at risk? Business Travelers, frequent travelers who could be suffering from jet lag, who cross time zones and who spend lots of time on the road with little sleep.

6. Don't drive if you are tired or on medication that may cause drowsiness.

7. Do get a good nights sleep especially before a long drive

8. Don't drink before getting behind the wheel even a small amount and especially if you are sleepy.

9. Do get off the road if you feel fatigued and are displaying warning signs.

10. Always wear you seatbelt.

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