Contributor: Safesite HQ 2 Jurisdiction: General
Use this safety meeting to discuss defensive driving and bring awareness to some simple safety tips.
1. Driving a vehicle is one of the most dangerous tasks you do, but yet it is something most people do every day. Defensive driving means avoiding distractions, staying alert, and being prepared for anything.
2. Always approach driving with a safety first mentality and be aware of your surroundings at all times. By being aware of your surroundings at all times, you should have a good idea of where your clear paths are in case of an emergency.
3. Do not trust other drivers and give plenty of space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. If traveling in bad conditions (rain, snow, ice, fog, wind), the distance between other vehicles may need to be increased.
4. Always follow the rules and laws of the road. Always follow posted speed limits, but slow down if driving in poor conditions.
5. Keep your eyes moving. It is easy to get tunnel vision when looking through the windshield. Shift your eyes from ahead, to your left mirror, back to looking ahead. Repeat this with your rearview mirror and right mirror.
6. Avoid using cell phones or other mobile devices while driving. Other distractions to avoid or limit are radio use, eating and drinking, and socializing with other people in the vehicle.
7. Be sure that your vehicle is maintained and inspected regularly so that it is operating at the best of its ability.
8. What are some other things that come to mind when you think of defensive driving?
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