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COVID-19 Daily Guidelines Meeting

Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA

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Daily meeting reviewing the new protocols associated with COVID-19. This meeting can be used daily by anyone onsite to communicate regulations and standards.

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COVID-19  Daily Guidelines Meeting

1. Do you know how COVID-19 is spread? It can be spread person to person in close contact with one another (within 6ft). Respiratory drops produced when an in person coughs, sneezes, or talks. Maintain distance to avoid contact, wear a cloth mask and always work and practice social distancing of 6 ft apart.

2. It is also possible to get COVID-19 by touching contaminated surfaces or objects. To mitigate this exposure make sure to wash you hands often with soap and water or if unavailable use alcohol based hand rub also routinely clean high touch surfaces.

3. Here's a review of Sanitation and Hygiene procedures: wash hands with soap and water for up to 20 seconds. If this is not possible, use an alchohol based (up to 70%) hand sanitizer. Cover you face with a cloth mask. Cloth masks are not suitable for protecton against particulates.

4. Do not share PPE or other personal equipment. Disinfect shared tools and equipment prior to use.

5. Remember to wash your hands after using the restroom, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, before eating or preparing food, and when entering/exiting worksite. Do not share drinks or food, only use single serve cup, and if anyone is observed sharing drinks or food you will be sent home.

6. Coordination of construction site daily cleaning/ santation requirements should be communicated to you regularly. (Review your protocol with attendees)

7. Feedback on improving safety and sanitation is everyones job and keeps us all safe. Let us know if you find an area that needs servicing, if someone is not practicing social distancing, not washing hands, displaying symptoms, not covering their face or is exchanging PPE. If you or anyone onsite displays symptoms please do not come to work, contact your healthcare professional.

8. We will provide updated information regarding the spread, containment, and protocols associated with COVID-19. If you have any symptoms such as fever, cough, loss of taste or possible exposure to someone with COVID-19, please stay home!

9. In the event of exposure or suspected exposure, please contact a healthcare professional and stay home!

10. Write Comments or Remarks here:

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