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Cord, Rope, and Hose Management to Prevent Trip Hazards

Contributor: Safesite HQ 2 Jurisdiction: General

general industry
Agriculture and Farming
trenching and excavation
facilities and maintenance
transportation and logistics
Oil Gas and Petroleum

Use this safety meeting to discuss cords, ropes, and hoses and how to prevent trip hazards and housekeeping issues on jobsites.

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Cord, Rope, and Hose Management to Prevent Trip Hazards

1. Extension cords, air compressor hoses, and other cords, ropes, and hoses are present in almost every jobsite. However, mismanagement of these essential tools can cause trip hazards that may lead to strains, sprains, fractures, and even more serious injuries.

2. At times, the volume of cords and hoses along the floor of a jobsite can be overlooked. When we see them everyday we become less aware of their presence and lose sight of their potential risks.

3. Keeping these items out of high traffic areas is one step in avoiding slips, trips, and falls. Instead of running along the ground across walkways, run them along walls to keep them out of the way of travel.

4. Additionally, using covers or bridging is another successful option if they to be stretched across the jobsite.

5. Keep them close to your workstation and without slack by coiling up the excess and placing out of the way.

6. Cords should never go underneath carpet or through water or any type of wet substance. This is an electrical hazard which could result in a fire.

7. Cords, ropes, and hoses should be stored by neatly coiling and putting in a dry storage area. This keeps them out of the way when not in use and prevents damage.

8. What hazards can the group identify as problems with cord, rope, and hose management? What could be a solution to these problems?

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