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Be Prepared: in Case of Emergency Safety Meeting

Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA


Review your emergency response and evacuation plan with your employees. Identify all fire and hazard safety signage, supplies, and routes on the job site.

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Be Prepared: in Case of Emergency Safety Meeting

1. Sometimes accidents happen and you have to be prepared to handle emergency situations as they occur. Expect the unexpected. Working on various jobsites causes additional challenges to emergency prepardeness.

2. At the start of each and every job, make sure you know the following: The location of all exits.

3. At the start of each and every job, make sure you know the following: Your evacuation route.

4. At the start of each and every job, make sure you know the following: Assembly point after evacuation.

5. At the start of each and every job, make sure you know the following: The location of the closest fire extinguisher.

6. At the start of each and every job, make sure you know the following: The location of the closest medical emergency facility.

7. At the start of each and every job, make sure you know the following: Location of first aid materials.

8. In addition, make sure all emergency phone numbers are kept near the phones.

9. Know the risks involved in your work area: Flammable liquids and the way in which they could catch fire.

10. Know the risks involved in your work area: Electrical hazards that could cause fire.

11. Know the risks involved in your work area: Toxic chemical vapors in the air.

12. Know the risks involved in your work area: Reactive chemicals and what causes them to react.

13. Know the risks involved in your work area: Explosive hazards and what causes them to explode.

14. If an emergency occurs, you must be ready to act quickly and properly.

15. OSHA requires the following basic components to be part your emergency contigency plan: Know how to report a fire, spill or other incident.

16. OSHA requires the following basic components to be part your emergency contigency plan: Recognize the sound of the emergency alarm.

17. OSHA requires the following basic components to be part your emergency contigency plan: If you have emergency response responsibilities (for example, administer first aid), be ready to perform your duties.

18. OSHA requires the following basic components to be part your emergency contigency plan: If you don't have emergency response responsibilities, do not get in the way of people assigned to respond.

19. OSHA requires the following basic components to be part your emergency contigency plan: Alert other people around you to evacuate.

20. OSHA requires the following basic components to be part your emergency contigency plan: Follow your assigned evacuation route and meet at your assigned assembly point.

21. To keep an emergency from becoming a disaster, everyone must remain calm and follow emergency procedures.

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