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Silica Inspection for Employee Exposure Monitoring

Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA


This checklist can be used to determine if your workplace is at risk for silica exposure and if any employees have been exposed to levels of silica that surpassed the permissible exposure limit (PEL).

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Silica Inspection for Employee Exposure Monitoring

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AllSection 1 of 1 with 12 Questions

1. Is there silica in the workplace that can be released into the workplace air?


2. If "yes", have you made a written determination that states whether any employee may be exposed to airborne concentrations of silica?


3. If "yes" to 2, does the written determination include at least the following: Any information, observations, or calculations that would indicate employee exposure? If employees are exposed to toxic material, statement that exposure is at or above the Permissible Exposure Limit for crystalline quartz? Date of determination, work being performed, location within the worksite, identification of employees possibly exposed? Any concentration measurements (area or personal) taken? Any comments from medical examinations that may point to possible exposures?


4. Is there any reasonable possibility of any employee being exposed above the Permissible Exposure Limit according to the written determination?


5. If "yes", have you measured the exposure of the employee (s) most likely to have the greatest exposure (maximum risk employees)?


6. If "no", have you repeated Step 2 and succeeding steps each time there has been a change in production, process, or control measures that could result in an increase in airborne concentrations of any material in Step 2?


7. If any exposure measurement indicates exposure above the Permissible Exposure Limit, have you: Identified all employees so exposed? Sampled those employees so identified? Classified all employees according to noncompliance exposure, possible overexposure, or compliance exposure?


8. Have you taken the following actions, depending on employee classification: Resampled employees with noncompliance exposures within 1 month and decided whether controls are to be instituted? Resampled employees with possible overexposures within 2 months and reclassified them if appropriate? Resampled employees with compliance exposures every 2 months (or if changes occurred in the operation) and reclassified them if appropriate?


9. Have employees with exposures exceeding Federal standards been informed?


10. Have all employee exposure measurements been properly recorded and filed?


11. Have you instituted appropriate controls for those exposed employees needing them?


12. Write Comments or Remarks here:

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