Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA
Satisfy OSHA 29 CFR 1928 Subpart I requirements by ensuring agricultural field worksites are equipped with fresh, cool drinking water and well-maintained sanitation facilities in proximity to worksite.
1. Potable water is provided and placed in locations readily accessible to all employees
2. The potable water is observed to be suitably cool and in sufficient amounts, taking into account the air temperature, humidity and the nature of the work performed, to meet the needs of all employees.
3. Single-use drinking cups or water fountains are provided for employees and dippers or shared cups or bottles are not used.
4. There is at least one toilet facility and one handwashing facility available for each (20) employees performing field work for more than 3 hours.
5. Toilet facilities are observed to be adequately ventilated, appropriately screened, have self-closing doors that can be closed and latched from the inside and are constructed to insure privacy.
6. Toilet and handwashing facilities are observed to be located an in close proximity to each other. The facilities are located within a one-quarter-mile walk of each hand laborer's place of work in the field.
7. Where feasible to locate toilet and handwashing facilities within a one-quarter-mile walk due to terrain, facilities are located close to the vehicular access point.
8. Drinking water containers provided are constructed of materials that maintain water quality, and observed to be refilled daily or more often as necessary, kept covered and cleaned regularly.
9. Toilet facilities are observed to be operational and maintained in clean and sanitary condition.
10. Handwashing facilities are refilled with potable water as necessary to ensure an adequate supply and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition; and disposal of wastes from facilities does not cause unsanitary conditions.
11. Field workers and other employees are allowed reasonable opportunities during the workday to use sanitary facilities.
12. Employees are trained on the importance of following good hygiene practices to minimize exposure to the hazards in the field of heat, communicable diseases, retention of urine and agrochemical residues.
13. Employees are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of heat illness and to inform their supervisor immediately.