Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA
Make sure all of your emergency procedures, written or verbal, are communicated properly with your workforce. All employees should know how to handle emergency equipment and find emergency exits.
1. Is there a written Emergency Action Plan specific to the job site? (If < 10 workers, plan can be verbally transmitted)
2. Are emergency phone numbers and the location of the nearest medical facility posted at the job site and available to all workers?
3. Is site evacuation information including alarm signals, evacuation routes and gathering points clearly posted and understood?
4. Is there a method of accounting for all personnel after a site evacuation?
5. Are Red Cross First Aid (or equivalent) personnel readily available on the job site if aid is required?
6. Are all workers aware of emergency procedures and how to report emergencies and injuries?
7. Are portable fire extinguishers available on each floor and is one 2A extinguisher provided per 3000 sq. Ft or within 75 Ft. of the protected area?
8. Are portabe fire extinguishers fully charged, inspected monthly and serviced annually?
9. Are emergency eyewashes (and showers if applicable) available, inspected and can be reached within 10 seconds when needed?
10. Is site access restricted to only authorized personnel?
11. Is a properly sized, inspected and stocked First Aid Kit available on the job site?
12. Write Comments or Remarks here: