Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA
Use this OSHA checklist to ensure all confined spaces on the job site have been identified pre-entry, along with their potential hazards, and proper precautions have been taken to keep employees safe.
1. Does the space meet the definition of a confined space per OSHA (limited openings for entry and exit, not intended for occupancy, and large enough to enter
3. Have all confined spaces been classified as a either non-permit or permit-required confined spaces?
4. Have the hazards of each space, permit and non-permit required, been documented?
8. Are all confined spaces at the facility secured so that unauthorized personnel cannot inadvertently enter?
9. Is a permitting system in place to protect employees from the hazards within each permit-required confined space?
1. Has air monitor been properly calibrated and suitable to the anticipated atmospheric hazards available and functional for use?
2. Has the permit space been tested to determine if acceptable entry conditions exist prior to entry?
4. Has testing shown that safe levels of the following are within acceptable levels?
1. Will the atmosphere in the space be monitored while work is going on?
1. If ventilation is needed has the space been ventilated before entry?
2. If required, has the permit space been flushed, ventilated, purged and rendered inert to eliminate or control atmospheric hazards prior to entry?
1. Do Confined Space Entry procedures include energy isolation steps (I.e. Lockout-Tagout) to control hazards?
2. Have all hazards been identified to include: atmospheric, mechanical, electrical, thermal, noise, vibration, fire, engulfment, and health hazards?
1. Is PPE and equipment available and have the entrants been trained and certified in the use of personal protective equipment per 29 CFR 1910.132(d)?
1. Have all personnel been properly trained (Authorized Entrants, Attendants , Supervisor, Rescuers (if applicable))?
1. Have all members of the confined space entry team been briefed on potential hazards, scope of work and emergency actions, and the signs and symptoms of exposure to oxygen deficient or toxic atmosphere, prior to the start of a permit required confined space entry?
1. Are rescue personnel readily available, trained in rescue and CPR, and have all necessary equipment (SCBA, etc.)?
1. Does the permit contain all information required by OSHA (name of space, purpose of entry, date, names of entrants and attendants, means of testing, list of hazards in the space, results of testing, rescue info., PPE and communications procedures).
2. Write Comments or Remarks here: