Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA
This checklist should be used to assess the risk of heat illness in your work environment and to make sure you are providing essential items to employees like cool water and shaded areas close to work site.
1. Is there a written Heat Illness Prevention Program available at the job site?
2. Is there proof of training on the Heat Illness Plan for Employees and Supervisors?
3. Is fresh, pure and suitably cool (i.e. below ambient temperature) water available at no cost to employees?
4. Is a suitable quantity of drinking water located as close as practicable to areas where employees are working?
5. For multi-story work sites - is water available on every floor, and located as close as practicable to areas where employees are working?
6. Are shaded areas sufficient for 100% of the work force available and locations known to workers?
7. Does the company have employee acclimation policies to allow workers to adjust to working in high heat?
8. Is there a means to determine the heat index throughout the day at the work site (i.e. cell phone APP, access to Weather Service information, etc.)?
9. Does the Emergency Action Plan contain actions for a heat illness requiring evacuation of affected personnel?
10. Are several randomly selected employees able to describe the signs and symptoms of heat illness and what actions to take if they are affected?
11. Are there procedures to clean and sanitize water coolers and dispensers (if used) at regular intervals?
12. Write Comments or Remarks here: