Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA
Effectively provide information to employees on potentially hazardous chemicals in their work area and ensure all materials are properly labeled and documented by following this OSHA chemical safety checklist.
1. Are employees provided information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area at the time of their initial assignment and whenever a new hazard is introduced into their work area?
2. Does the organization have a written Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) Program that is available to employees who use chemicals in the wrokplace?
3. Is there a current SDS for every hazardous chemical being used by facility maintenance or in the facility?
4. Are chemical safety data sheets (DSD) made available to workers when requested?
5. Do employees know how to access the written hazard communication program and safety data sheets when they need them?
6. Is each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace labeled, tagged or marked identifying the chemical it contains?
7. Is each container of hazardous chemicals labeled, tagged or marked with the appropriate hazard warnings?
8. Are labels or other forms of warning legible, in English, and prominently displayed on the container?
9. Does the organization communicate hazards to outside contractors or vendors who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals at the facility?
10. Are employees trained on appropriate personal protective equipment (I.e glove types, face shields, etc.) necessay for the safe use of chemicals used in their work?
11. Are employees trained on appropriate spill control procedures in the event of a minor release of chemicals used at the facility?
12. Are employees trained on appropriate spill response procedures in the event of a major release (or release of a highly-hazardous chemical) of chemicals used at the facility?
13. Are employees trained in how to properly dispose of used, out of specification or unneeded chemicals?
14. Are flammable and combustible liquid and aerosol chemicals properly stored when not in use (I.e. storage in appropriately rated storage cabinets.)?
15. Does the organization maintain SDSs or some record of the identity of the substances or agents to which employees are exposed for 30 years?
16. Write Comments or Remarks here: