Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA
OSHA checklist to identify/communicate potential confined-space hazards. Employees are trained to recognize potential hazards, ventilation/rescue equipment readily available place and accounted for.
2. Does the organization have a written Confined Space Entry Program?
3. Have workers been trained to recognize potential confined space hazards contained in: storage tanks, Sumps and Vaults, confined areas inside HVAC units and equipment?
4. Do Entry Supervisors who participate in Confined Space Entry work have appropriate training that is documented?
5. Does the organization have a written Control of Hazardous Energy (LOTO) Program?
6. Do Confined Space Entry procedures include energy isolation steps (I.e. Lockout-Tagout) to control hazards?
7. Is forced air ventilation equipment available, functional and adequate for use?
8. Is a signed Confined Space Entry Permit kept at the entry-point during the entry? (For confined space entries in progress)
9. Have all confined spaces at the facility been identified with appropriate hazard communication Signs and/or Tags?
10. Are calibrated air monitors suitable to the anticipated atmospheric hazards available and functional for use when required?
11. Is the individual performing atmospheric testing trained, qualified and competent?
12. Have all members of the confined space entry team been briefed on potential hazards, scope of work and emergency actions prior to the start of a permit required confined space entry?
13. Have all members of the confined space entry team been briefed on signs and symptoms of exposure to oxygen deficient or toxic atmosphere prior to the start of a permit required confined space entry?
14. Is emergency non-entry rescue equipment such as tripods, winches and lifelines available, functional and suitable for use at the entry point?
15. Are employees who are designated to provide permit space rescue provided required personal protective equipment such as SCBAs?
16. Are safety harnesses and lifelines available, functional and suitable for use?
17. Is the Confined Space Attendant (I.e. "hole watch") observed to have no other duties than monitoring the access and communicating with Entrants inside the confined space?
18. Do Contractors that perform confined space operations follow established procedures for safely conducting the work in confined spaces?
19. Are completed Confined Space Entry Permits reviewed by an authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) and filed for at least one year?
20. Write Comments or Remarks here: