Contributor: Safesite Jurisdiction: OSHA
Keep employees who are working in confined spaces safe by properly identifying and securing confined areas, ensuring all employees are properly trained and having a rescue team in place in case of emergency.
1. Does the organization have a written Confined Space Entry Program?
2. Do Authorized Entrants who perform Confined Space Entry have appropriate training that is documented?
3. Do Entry Supervisors who participate in Confined Space Entrywork have appropriate training that is documented?
4. Do Confined Space Entry procedures include energy isolation steps (I.e. Lockout-Tagout) to control hazards?
5. Does the facility have a list or inventory of all confined spaces?
6. Have all confined spaces at the facility been characterized a Non-Permit or Permit-Required confined spaces?
7. Have all confined spaces at the facility been identified with appropriate signage.
8. Have all confined spaces at the facility been locked or secured so that unauthorized personnel cannot inadvertently enter?
9. Are calibrated air monitors suitable to the anticipated atmospheric hazards available and functional for use when required?
10. Is the individual performing atmospheric testing trained, qualified and competent?
11. Have all members of the confined space entry team been briefed on potential hazards, scope of work and emergency actions prior to the start of a permit required confined space entry?
12. Have all members of the confined space entry team been briefed on signs and symptoms of exposure to oxygen deficient or toxic atmosphere prior to the start of a permit required confined space entry?
13. If employees are designated to provide permit space rescue are they provided needed personal protective equipment?
14. Are employee rescuers provided with SCBAs and equipment required to extract injured workers from a confined space properly?
15. Is the Confined Space Attendant (I.e."hole watch") observed to have no other duties than monitoring the access and communicating with Entrants inside the confined space?
16. Are employee rescuers trained properly?
17. Do Contractors that perform confined space operations follow established procedures for safely conducting the work in confined spaces?
18. Are completed Confined Space Entry Permits been reviewed by an authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) and filed for at least one year?
19. Write Comments or Remarks here: