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August COVID-19 Planning, Prevention & Safety Checklist

Contributor: Safesite

general industry

This checklist will guide through prepping your workplace to perform and identify COVID-19 hazards, evaluations and investigations, and train employees on social distancing guidelines and PPE.

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August COVID-19 Planning, Prevention & Safety Checklist

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AllSection 1 of 1 with 25 Questions

1. Is there a written program or system in place for communicating in a form readily understandable by employees?


2. Does this written program or system include: employee symptom, case, or exposure reporting; procedures or policies for medical accommodation; information about access to COVID-19 testing; communication about COVID-19 hazards and employer policies and procedures?


3. Are employees and authorized employee representatives allowed to participate in the identification and evaluation of COVID-19 hazards?


4. Are there procedures and policies in place for screening employees and responding effectively and immediately to employees with COVID-19 symptoms?


5. Is there an effective procedure in place to investigate and respond to COVID-19 cases in the workplace?


6. Are all medical records or personal identifying information of COVID cases or symptoms kept confidential?


7. Are there policies and/or procedures in place for correcting unsafe or unhealthy conditions, work practices, policies, and procedures in a timely manner?


8. Is there effective training and instruction for employees that includes information related to the Company’s COVID-19 policies and procedures?


9. Does training and instruction for employees include science-based information regarding the symptoms and infectious nature of the COVID-19 virus?


10. Does training and instruction for employees include information regarding COVID-related benefits available under federal, state of local law, including WC law, and the employers internal leave policies?


11. Are all employees separated from other persons by at least six feet except where the Company can demonstrate that this is not possible or momentary while persons are in movement?


12. Are additional methods of distancing available to employees such as: Telework or other remote work arrangements; Reducing the number of persons in an area at one time; Visual cues such as signs and floor markings; Staggered arrival, departure, work and break times; adjusted work processes and procedures?


13. If the six feet guideline is not possible, are employees separated as far apart as possible?


14. Are all employees required to wear face coverings over the nose and mouth when indoors, outdoors with less than six feet distancing, or in accordance with local health department orders?


15. Does the Company provide face coverings to employees and ensure they are properly worn over the nose and mouth?


16. Does the Company also consider other controls (engineering, administrative, or PPE) to reduce the risk of infection?


17. Does the Company have policies and/or procedures in place for evaluating hand washing facilities and maintaining hand hygiene protocols?


18. Does the Company install cleanable solid partitions that effectively reduce aerosol transmission between employees and others at fixed work locations where distancing is not possible?


19. At fixed work locations where distancing is not possible has the Company implemented one or more of the following: Increased quantity of outside air; implemented enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures; identifying and regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces; prohibited sharing PPE items; Minimized sharing of vehicles?


20. Does the Company have procedures in place for reporting information about COVID cases to the local health department (when required); Any COVID related serious illnesses or deaths to the required government agencies; and keep records of and track all COVID cases per Department requirements?


21. Does the Company exclude employees after last known exposure to COVID-19 from the workplace for 14 days?


22. Does the Company continue to maintain the employee’s earnings, seniority, rights and benefits during the period of exclusion from the workplace due to work-related COVID-19 exposure or illness?


23. Does the Company require COVID cases with symptoms to not return to work until 24 hours have passed since a fever of 100.4 or higher has resolved without medications and symptoms have improved, and; at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared?


24. Does the Company require employees who tested positive for COVID but never developed symptoms to not return to work until a minimum of 10 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID test?


25. Does the Company NOT REQUIRE a negative COVID test in order for an employee to return to work?


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